
About me

I’m a senior Test Analyst, Test Manager, QA Architect, QA Coach, a Leader and Change Agent who’s primarily been working in the Financial Services industry since 2009. That implies that for the majority of my career, I have been exposed to to complex software solutions and entangled IT landscapes.

Unlike many others in the industry, I don’t believe in best practices. Not everything fits into a pre-defined box. Instead, my primary objective is to come in and swiftly understand the business domain, what the end-users are looking for, the building blocks of the IT estate and the competencies within the team. Doing so ensures that my suggestions and ideas are context driven.

As an individual contributor to a team and organization, I am passionate and engaged - capable of cooperating with vendors, end-users, external partners and across organizational layers. I pride myself on being systematic, organized and outgoing, and if need be, I use visual languages to communicate with my stakeholders. I know that people process information in various ways, so work to ensure that everyone is onboard.

While I do engage in the entire software life cycle, I work hard to stay true to my origins as a student software tester in 2008. The many years testing and working intensely with quality assurance has made me proficient in all kinds of test types and quality assuring activities, be it planning, analysis, test execution, documentation, monitoring and/or reporting.


I’m also a skilled stakeholder- and people-manager who constantly communicates, collaborates and aligns expectations across organizational levels and teams. I have acquired those skills working in a wide range of organizational setups. Some of the teams I worked on, I was the only tester, but I’ve also worked in larger setups where I was one amongst many.

Being a Quality Assurance and Test Evangelist I often find myself in situations where the client or my line manager wants a lot of changes with little effort and preferably instantaneously. In those cases, it’s paramount the stakeholders understand that ‘there are no silver bullets’ and that big changes require effort and time. When tasked with something at that scale, I immediately engage in assessing the risks surrounding the product and identifying the Business-Critical Flows. This helps target the teams' quality-assuring activities, which in turn becomes a preliminary proof point, we then build upon.


A select overview of my employers and clients



What People Are Saying

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“Hassan has a very calm and measured approach towards quality, and at the same time, he is relentless in his efforts to transform QA. He always looks for input and is empathetic towards all sorts of people; developers, testers, managers and business and very often works as a translator/facilitator for the different views.”

— Ulrich Freiberg, Test Automation Architect, Saxo Bank

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“Offering a distinct perspective, Hassan reminds us all that behind every technology, tool or process, it is the daily human interactions that are at the heart of any effective team.”

— Jonathan Paul, Head of Product Strategy, Caplin Systems Ltd

What People Are Saying


I worked with Hassan while we were both consultants for Jabra. Coming in as the only new person in the team, Hassan immediately made me feel welcome. His humor and good spirits make him a great colleague. I quickly learned that Hassan also had invaluable communication skills. He has a keen eye for evaluating processes, is vocal about improvable structure and follows through on possible solutions. He is very detail oriented, and knows who to consult and how to best approach different people. I would very much like to work with Hassan again and absolutely recommend him to any team, missing a professional and proactive team-player.

— Eva Kjær Ostenfeldt, UX & UI Designer, Shortcut