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QA Change

QA change is all about calibrating your software delivery systems, and infrastructure, so it drives you forward and improves your efficiency. The status quo is a risk for any company. And knowing what exactly needs to change and when is really difficult. People are resistant to change, especially if they can’t see the value. 

And that means that you need someone as part of the process who will:

  • help the team to collectively articulate the state they’re in and where they want to go

  • look to a solution that works for all stakeholders

  • propose, introduce and embed tangible changes – meaning each individual knows exactly what they need to do differently tomorrow

Because of this, and the challenges it catalyses, acting as a change agent is insanely difficult. Looking for outside support can allow the change to dynamics without letting personalities or history get in the way. The arduous task of persuading people to break habits and behaviours that have formed over years or even decades. And that’s what I do.

Here’s the process broken down into bite-sized chunks;


Define the problem.

If people don’t know why you’re making a change, then their resistance levels are at maximum. Communication is vital here as is making the team articulate what the problem is. 

What needs to change?

Once the ‘why’ is clearly communicated, the ‘what’ comes next. This might be processes, testing strategies, the development model or gaps in the system.


Of course, this is the question those who handle the budget will answer. So, getting to grips with the costs early is important.


Making a change that calibrates the way your company or team operates won’t be simple.

And the costs aren’t only financial. They can be human too, with some team members not liking the change and might push back. This is why it is vitally important to manage the change process effectively. I work with your entire team to ensure that you get from A to B with the minimum of fuss and disruption. QA change management is here to help you understand where you are today and how to get to your brighter future.

Looking for someone to lead an effective, stressless IT change management in your business? Well, you’re in the right place. The type of IT change management projects I focus on are all centered around quality assurance, testing and transformations. Is that you? If so, we need to talk.

Do you want to know more about Hassan’s software testing approach and methodology? 

 Click here to download my free white paper on QA Changes

What People Are Saying

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“He engages with stakeholders across the board to ensure buy-in and adoption to the identified QA objectives. He always spreads positive vibes and contributes to a good working environment with his sense of humor and positive, yet professional attitude.”

— Ulrich Haslund, Director, Global Head of Trading Components at Saxo Bank, Saxo Bank

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“From mentoring me to ask (the right) critical questions on to coaching me to cope with being the sole QA role in a company, Hassan has helped me achieve a strong holistic approach to the whole QA process. ”

— Jan B. Olsen, Agile Coach, Danske Bank