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Are you looking for high speed quality analysis and testing of your software?

Do you want to calibrate what’s tested with an independent professional to run their eye over it? Well, you’re in the right place.

I take your software at any stage of the development process and test it using a managed and context driven approach, so you know where you stand. Software testing transforms your first draft into a finished manuscript.

I look at all the elements that might come together to deliver a software system that does what you require, no matter what stage of the process your software system is at –

  • Early in the development cycle where I assess how “ready” the requirements are

  • From ideation to production

  • Signing off development milestones or complete production of the system

  • As a final check before being delivered to a customer


You want to know that the software you have developed is fit for purpose?

A third party analysing from the outside, can offer a different view, allowing you to observe the solution from multiple angles. This is how the best software solutions are delivered. I work quickly according to a well-established approach that looks at the efficacy of your project.

And I know that time is crucially important here. When building a a system, the last thing you want is a delay of weeks or months with management or stakeholders waiting to get to the next stage or initiate the system. That’s why I work promptly, according to your deadlines, to deliver the best results in the quickest time possible.

If you want a professional tester that have worked with clients just like you then please get in touch today. I’m here to answer your questions and help you move forward to a successful future. 

Do you want to know more about Hassan’s software testing approach and methodology? 

 Click here to download my free white paper on testing

What People Are Saying

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“Partly through his experience and his presence he quickly gained the confidence of new colleagues and helped them in the requirements gathering process. Hassan is also an accomplished presenter and quickly made PowerPoints and mind maps that further helped the process.”

— Brian Robinson, CTO, PASPX

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“I have had the great pleasure to have Hassan as my Test Lead. In that period I have learned to know Hassan as a very dedicated lead, with incredible empathetic and rarely seen communicative abilities. At the same time, he had a good and constructive way to understand the needs of the business - all the right questions were asked. ”

— Leni Hansen, IT Tester, Saxo Bank

In a large program with varying development models, maturity levels of requirements, changing processes, an enormously complex domain as well as a challenging landscape of stakeholders, Hassan was integral to the completion of the End2End tests for the two first deliverables from the Housing Program.

The key ingredient to Hassan succeeding with this complex task, was Hassan's ability to quickly familiarize himself with the purpose and functionality of the individual projects that fed into the End2End scope. Hassan gained a lot of respect within the organization due to his professionalism and astute observations. And Hassan was naturally brought in for his advice and perspectives, when the business teams needed to clarify proposed solutions or when other teams needed assistance in setting up tests or finding relevant test data. 

As Test Manager, I can only recommend bringing Hassan on to your team. His eye for both technical, procedural and organizational challenges contributes to the team better being able to navigate towards their goals.

Hassan takes initiative and enormous responsibility and he communicates very clearly about the nature of the task, status, challenges and proposed solutions.

Hassan will be missed in the Housing Program, where we worked together for 1 year.

— Michael Thomsen, Test Manager, Danish Ministry of Taxation